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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
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193896 Karanja S. The Schengen Information System and Border Control Co-operation: A Transparency and Proportionality Evaluation 2008
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124634 Karapiperis T. Cellular Automaton Model of Precipitation/Dissolution Coupled with Solute Transport 1995
214387 Karapurkar P. Tripuri Phonetic Reader 1972
77249 Karasev A.V. (ed.), Compans R.W. (ed.), Cooper M.D. (ed.) Current topics in microbiology and immunology (¹332 2009) 2009
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84395 Karassik I.J., Messina J., Cooper P. Pump handbook 2008
44889 Karassik I.J., Cooper P., Messina J.P. Pump Handbook 2000
176910 Karat C., Blom J., Karat J. Designing Personalized User Experiences in eCommerce (Human-Computer Interaction Series, 05) 2004
47613 Karatkevich A. (Ed) Dynamic Analysis of Petri Net-Based Discrete Systems 2007
187634 Karato S. Physics and Chemistry of the Deep Earth 2013
44818 Karato Sh. Deformation of Earth Materials 2008
154037 Karatsuba A., Voronin S. The Riemann Zeta-Function (De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics) 1992
131080 Karatzas, Shreve, Steven Methods of Mathematical Finance 1998
43902 Karatzas I., Wang H. A Barrier Option of American Type 2000
18069 Karatzas I., Shreve S.E. Methods of Mathematical Finance 1998
174285 Karatzas I., Shreve S. Methods of Mathematical Finance 1998
188502 Karatzas I., Shreve S. Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus 1988
190465 Karatzas I., Shreve S. Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) 1988
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134035 Karatzogianni The Politics of Cyberconflict: Security, Ethnoreligious and Sociopolitical conflicts (Routledge Research in Information Technology and Society) 2006
136907 Karatzogianni A. The Politics of Cyberconflict: 2006

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