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АвторАвтор 2Автор 3НазваниеГод издания
W .A. SlabyK.AlandVollständige Konkordanz zum griechischen Neuen Testament1978
W H ChallisHolding the Route1984
WÄunsche J.-H.Theoretische Physik I. Mechanik und RelativitÄatstheorie2005
Wöhler M.Hierarchische Optimierung von Beschaufelungen Hydraulischer Maschinen1999
Wördenweber B.Wallaschek J.Boyce P.Automotive Lighting and Human Vision2007
Wübbeling F.Skript Numerische Bildverarbeitung1997
Wübben B.German Mergers & Acquisitions in the USA2007
Wüger D.Cottier T.Genetic Engineering and the World Trade System: World Trade Forum2008
Wüst K.Finanzmathematik2006
Wüstholz G. (ed.)A Panorama of Number Theory or The View from Baker's Garden2002
Wüthrich M.V.Bühlmann H.Furrer H.Market-Consistent Actuarial Valuation2008
W. A. NierenbergOCEAN ACOUSTICS1966
W. A. SchulzMolecular Biology of Human Cancers : An Advanced Student's Textbook2005
W. Brauer (ed)Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 12141997
W. Brauer (ed)Lecture Notes in Computer Science.12791997
W. BurgerM.J. BurgePrinciples of Digital Image Processing: Fundamental Techniques (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)2009
W. BurnsideTheory of Groups of Finite Order1911
W. ByersHow Mathematicians Think: Using Ambiguity, Contradiction, and Paradox to Create Mathematics2007
W. CartwrightGeorg GartnerAntje LehnCartography and Art (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography)2009
W. ChurchillThe Second World War. Their finest hour.1949
W. DriesslerL. LandauJ. Fernando PerezEstimates of critical lengths and critical temperatures for classical and quantum lattice systems1979
W. EckhausA. V. HartenNorth-Holland mathematics studies, no. 50: Inverse Scattering Transformation and the Theory of Solitons1981
W. Edwin ClarkElementary Number Theory2003
W. EverlingExercises in Computer Systems Analysis (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)1976
W. FrostJ.LaingEvent Portfolio Planning and Management2014
W. GittIn the Beginning Was Information2000
W. HortonY-H IchikawaChaos and Structures in Nonlinear Plasmas1996
W. J. GilbertW. K. NicholsonModern Algebra with Applications2003
W. J. HardcastleN. HewlettCoarticulation: Theory, Data and Techniques (Cambridge Studies in Speech Science and Communication)2006
W. JohnsonP. PalanqueHuman Error, Safety and Systems Development (IFIP International Federation for Information Processing)2004
W. M. ThompsonTHE JESUS DEBATE1984
W. MarshallOriginal Gary Moore: An annotated guide to the guitar technique of Gary Moore1988
W. MendozaLa política impositiva aplicable a los minerales y al petróleo: teoría, experiencias y propuesta de política para el Perú2011
W. P. H. de BoerCh. G. van WeertOn the derivation of quantum kinetic equations. II. Nonlocal Uehling-Uhlenbeck equation1978
W. P. SchleichQuantum Optics in Phase Space2001
W. PotzJ. FabianU. HohenesterModern Aspects of Spin Physics (Lecture Notes in Physics)2006
W. Puck BrecherHonored and Dishonored Guests2017
W. T. RhodesLight Scattering by Systems of Particles2007
W. T. TsangLightwave Communications Technology: Part C, Semiconductor Injection Lasers, II Light-Emitting Diodes1985
W. Van SnyderAlgorithm 723 (Fresnel integrals)1993
W. W. SawyerPrelude to Mathematics1955
W. WangS. A. SoperBio-MEMS: Technologies and Applications2006
W. Yang (Editor)Advances in Protein Chemistry, Volume 69: DNA Repair and Replication2004
W.B. FrakesSoftware Reuse: Advances in Software Reusability: 6th International Conference ICSR-6, Vienna, Austria, June 27-29, 2000. Proceedings2000
W.C. HuHandheld Computing for Mobile Commerce: Applications, Concepts and Technologies2010
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W.Carl RufusAtmospheric Pulsation of the Cepheid Variable ν Aquilae1923
W.DicksGroups, Trees and Projective Modules1980
W.HeywangK.LubitzW. WersingPiezoelectricity: Evolution and Future of a Technology2008
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W.J. RavensbergA Roadmap to the Successful Development and Commercialization of Microbial Pest Control Products for Control of Arthropods2011
W.K. SCHffiFBacklund and Darboux Transformations Geometry and Modern Applications in Soliton Theory2002
W.L. NeuhuberM. RaabH.-R. BerthoudInnervation of the Mammalian Esophagus (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology)2006
W.M. BakerAlgebraic Geometry1906
W.M. de MuynckFoundations of Quantum Mechanics, an Empiricist Approach (Fundamental Theories of Physics)2002
W.O. CriminaleT.L. JacksonR.D. JoslinTheory and Computation of Hydrodynamic Stability2003
W.P. JanzenHigh Throughput Screening: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology, 190)2002
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W.W.Rouse BallRécréations mathématiques et problemes des temps anciens et modernes1992
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Wagner R.Mansfield R.Creating Web Pages All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies2007
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Wagner R.Professional iPhone and iPod touch Programming: Building Applications for Mobile Safari (Wrox Professional Guides)2008
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