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АвторАвтор 2Автор 3НазваниеГод издания
R BradburyCancer (Topics in Medicinal Chemistry)2007
R G CollingwoodAn Essay on Metaphysics.2002
R HouwinkElasticity Plasticity & the Structure of Matter1953
R¨omer E.Skript Kommutative Algebra2004
R¨ondigs O.Algebraische Topologie2006
Rée J.(Editor),Urmson J.O. (Editor)The Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy2004
Régin J. (ed.)Rueher M. (ed.)Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems2004
Résibois P.On linearized hydrodynamic modes in statistical physics1970
Résibois P.Approximate kinetic theory of hard-sphere fluids near equilibrium: II. A quasihydrodynamic approximation for the velocity autocorrelation function1975
Ríos A.S.Internacionalización de las empresas latinoamericanas2007
Rößler A.Numerical Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations2005
Röhrborn K.M.Studien zur sprache,geschichte und kultur des Islamischen Orients1966
Römer H.Theoretical optics. An introduction2005
Römer T.Skript Einführung in die Algebra2003
Rösler J.Harders H.Bäker M.Mechanical Behaviour of Engineering Materials: Metals, Ceramics, Polymers, and Composites2007
Röthlein B.Schrödingers Katze Einführung in die Quantenphysik1997
Röthlein B.Das Innerste der Dinge Einführung in die Atomphysik1998
Rúa T.A.Migration, Remittances and Development in Times of Crisis2010
Rüde U.Technik des Wissenschaftlichen Rechnens1995
Rüde U.Mathematical and Computational Techniques for Multilevel Adaptive Methods1987
Rüpke J. (ed.)Spickermann W. (ed.)Reflections on Religious Individuality2012
Rüpke J.(ред.)Uehlinger C.(ред.)Religionsgeschichtliche versuche und vorarbeiten.Band 730
Rüpke J.(ред.)Uehlinger C.(ред.)Religionsgeschichtliche versuche und vorarbeiten0
Rüpke J.(ред.)Uehlinger C.(ред.)Religionsgeschichtliche versuche und vorarbeiten0
Rüpke J.(ред.)Uehlinger C.(ред.)Religionsgeschichtliche versuche und vorarbeiten.Band 670
Rüpke J.(ред.)Uehlinger C.(ред.)Religionsgeschichtliche versuche und vorarbeiten.Band 580
Rüpke J.(ред.)Uehlinger C.(ред.)Religionsgeschichtliche versuche und vorarbeiten.Band 720
Rüpke J.(ред.)Uehlinger C.(ред.)Religionsgeschichtliche versuche und vorarbeiten.Band 770
Rüpke J.(ред.)Uehlinger C.(ред.)Religionsgeschichtliche versuche und vorarbeiten.Band 600
Rüpke J.(ред.)Uehlinger C.(ред.)Religionsgeschichtliche versuche und vorarbeiten.Band 640
Rüpke J.(ред.)Uehlinger C.(ред.)Religionsgeschichtliche versuche und vorarbeiten.Band 700
Rüschendorf L.Rachev S.T.Mass Transportation Problems, Vol. 21998
R. A. BrualdiB. L. ShaderMatrices of Sign-Solvable Linear Systems (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, 116)1995
R. A. DeCarlo and P. LinLinear circuit analysis - solution manuel0
R. A. DunlapThe Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers1998
R. A. HernándezA. CanessaComplementariedades y exclusiones en Mesoamérica y los Andes2012
R. A. HigginsMaterials for Engineers and Technicians Fourth Edition2006
R. A. RushNeurotrophin Protocols2001
R. AielloG. GiordanoF. TestaImpact of Zeolites and other Porous Materials on the New Technologies at the Beginning of the New Millennium2002
R. Alan CulpepperDie Darstellung „Der zwölfjährige Jesus unter den Schriftgelehrten“ im Wandel der Zeiten2010
R. AldrovandiSpecial Matrices of Mathematical Physics2001
R. BarrantesR. CuencaJ. MorelLas posibilidades del desarrollo inclusivo: Dos historias regionales2012
R. BealsV. ProtopopescuHalf-Range Completeness for the Fokker-Planck Equation1983
R. BeigLecture Notes in Physics2000
R. BirnbaumThe Healing Buddha1989
R. BleiAnalysis in Integer and Fractional Dimensions (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)2001
R. BogadóttirTime-space Appropriation in the Inka Empire2016
R. BurkeyC. V. BreakfieldDesigning a Total Data Solution: Technology, Implementation, and Deployment2000
R. C. HilbornChaos and Nonlinear Dynamics0
R. Cabrera-TrujilloJ. R. SabinTheory of the Interaction of Swift Ions with Matter2004
R. CarrollQuantum Theory, Deformation and Integrability (North-Holland Mathematics Studies)2000
R. Cerrón-PalominoEl chipaya o la lengua de los hombres del agua2006
R. Chang-RodríguezENTRE LA ESPADA Y LA PLUMA El Inca Garcilaso de la Vega y sus Comentarios reales2010
R. CipollaA. PentlandComputer Vision for Human-Machine Interaction1998
R. CliftJ. R. GraceM. E. WeberBubbles, Drops, and Particles1978
R. ClotheyChina’s Urban Future and the Quest for Stability2019
R. CohenS. K. DonaldsonT. J. LyonsOperator Theory by Example2023
R. CuencaEtnicidades en construcción Identidad y acción social en contextos de desigualdad2014
R. Curtis BirdNuclear Structure And Gene Expression (Cell Biology - Series of Monographs)1996
R. DerThe Time-Local View of Nonequllibrium Statistical Mechanics. II. Generalized Langevin Equations1986
R. DowneyMathematical Logic in Asia2006
R. E. InnisPragmatism and the Forms of Sense: Language, Perception, Technics (American and European Philosophy)2002
R. E. MoritzMemorabilia mathematica: The philomath's quotation-book ; 1140 anecdotes, aphorisms and passages by famous mathematicians, scientists & writers2010
R. EngelkingDimension Theory (North-Holland mathematical library)1979
R. FennLow Dimensional Topology1985
R. FerraroEinstein's Space-Time2007
R. G. CarbonellM. D. KostinTime-dependent probability density of statistical mechanics1974
R. G. LarsonConstitutive Equations for Polymer Melts and Solutions1988
R. G. StokesOpting for Oil: The Political Economy of Technological Change in the West German Industry, 1945-19611994
R. GijnSubordination in native South American languages2011
R. GohmNoncommutative Stationary Processes (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)2004
R. GrowinskiHandbook of Numerical Analysis IX2003
R. H. BarnettS. CoxL. O'CullEmbedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR2002
R. H. BISSELINGParallel scientific computation2020
R. H. CHANMilestones in Matrix Computation2007
R. H. GavinCytoskeleton. Methods and Protocols2022
R. H. KnappD. ter HaarA green function approach to the paramagnetic phase of a Heisenberg ferromagnet1969
R. H. WassermanTensors and Manifolds1992
R. HennigNordic Narratives of Nature and the Environment2018
R. HeroldManaging an Information Security and Privacy Awareness and Training Program2005
R. HoetmerMinería y movimientos sociales en el Perú2013
R. HoldenIntriduction to engineering mechanics0
R. HollowayA. KyselicaS. CaravajalSharePoint 2007 and Office Development Expert Solutions (Programmer to Programmer)2007
R. HonsbergerFrom Erdos to Kiev Problems of Olympiad Caliber1996
R. I. CukierK. E. ShulerJ. D. WeeksOn the validity of stochastic rate equations in finite systems with finite-strength interactions1972
R. I. GumportF. H. DeisStudent Companion to Accompany Biochemistry, 5th Edition2002
R. J. BaxterI. G. EntingSeries expansions from corner transfer matrices: The square lattice Ising model1979
R. J. BaxterCorner transfer matrices of the eight-vertex model. I. Low-temperature expansions and conjectured properties1976
R. J. EbertR. W. GrifBusiness Essentials2020
R. J. RiversPath integral methods in quantum field theory1987
R. J. SchneiderDark Nature2016
R. JacobsonSports in America: Recreation, Business, Education And Controversy (Information Plus Reference Series)0
R. JamesAnalysis on Manifolds1991
R. K. PapadopoulosInvoluntary Dislocation2021
R. K. SinghJ. S. ManhasComposition Operators on Function Spaces2008
R. Keith Dennis (ed)Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Algebraic K -Theory1982
R. KletteJ. ZunicCombinatorial Image Analysis2005
R. KoteekyS. Miracle-SoleRoughening Transition for the Ising Model on a BCC Lattice. A Case in the Theory of Ground States1997
R. L. StratonovichTopics in the Theory of Random Noise. Vol 11963
R. L. VarleyAn alternative construction of the Percus-Yevick equation based on the equilibrium BBGKY hierarchy1979
R. LandauerEntropy changes for steady-state fluctuations1973
R. LaPierreIntroduction to Quantum Computing2021
R. LarsenM. NielsenJ. SporringMedical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention MICCAI 2006: 9th International Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 1-6, 2006, Proceedings,2006
R. Latiolais (Ed.)Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 14401990
R. M. FerenczIterative Finite Element Solutions in Nonlinear Solid Mechanics1998
R. M. HareEssays in Ethical Theory1989
R. M. Perez-Teran MayorgaFrom Realism to 'Realicism': The Metaphysics of Charles Sanders Peirce2007
R. M.BukowskiA.C.NowikRenal Cell Carcinoma: Molecular Biology, Immunology, and Clinical Management (Current clinical Oncology)2000
R. MassomD. LubinPolar Remote Sensing: Volume II: Ice Sheets (Springer Praxis Books Geophysical Sciences) (v. 2)2006
R. MeersmanZ. TariOn the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2002: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE: Confederated International Conferences CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE 2002, Irvine,2002
R. MirandolaI.GortonC. HofmeisterArchitectures for Adaptive Software Systems: 5th International Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures, QoSA 2009, East Stroudsburg, PA, USA, ... Programming and Software Engineering)2009
R. MotwaniRandomized Algorithms1995
R. N. CahnSemi-Simple Lie Algebras and Their Representations2006
R. N. SmithSolving General Chemistry Problems - Nelson Smith1980
R. OxfordUnderstanding Peace Cultures2014
R. P. JáureguiUn plan nUclear para el desarrollo del perú: energía, segUridad y desarrollo2017
R. P. TamayoLibertad por el saber : un cuarto de siglo de El Colegio Nacional y la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo2017
R. PaternosterExplaining CriDlinals and CriDle0
R. PenroseW. RindlerSpinors and space-time: Two-spinor calculus and relativistic fields PGr1986
R. PeyretHandbook of Computational Fluid Mechanics1996
R. Po-chia Hsia (Editor)A Companion to the Reformation World2004
R. PrasadF. J. VelezWiMAX Networks: Techno-Economic Vision and Challenges2010
R. S. MarianoEconometric Forecasting And High-Frequency Data Analysis (Lecture Notes Seres, Institute for Mathematical Sciences National University of Singapore)2008
R. SchuellerP. RomanowskiCosmetic Science and Technology Series, v.21. Conditioning Agents for Hair and Skin1999
R. SegerMAP Kinase Signaling Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology Vol 250)2004
R. ShankarPrinciples of Quantum Mechanics1994
R. Stewart TipsonDerek HortonAdvances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Volume 481991
R. StiefelhagenR. BowersJ. FiscusMultimodal Technologies for Perception of Humans: International Evaluation Workshops CLEAR 2007 and RT 2007, Baltimore, MD, USA, May 8-11, 2007,2008
R. StraussSurface Mount Technology1994
R. SutherlandTeresa RojanoAlan Bell, Romulo LinsPerspectives on School Algebra (Mathematics Education Library, Volume 22) (Mathematics Education Library)2000
R. T. AmesWhy Be Moral?2014
R. T. AmesIn Pursuit of the Great Peace2019
R. T. FranceMatthew: An Introduction and Commentary2008
R. T. MerrillM. W. McElhinnyP. L. McFaddenThe Magnetic Field of the Earth: Paleomagnetism, the Core, and the Deep Mantle1996
R. T. MullinsGOD AND EMOTION Elements in the Philosophy of Religion2020
R. Todd OgdenEssential Wavelets for Statistical Applications and Data Analysis1997
R. Todd OgdenEssential Wavelets for Statistical Applications and Data Analysis1997
R. TogneriFundamentals of Information Theory and Coding Design2003
R. V. DackombeV. GardinerGeomorphological Field Manual1983
R. VaidyanathanJ. TrahanDynamic Reconfiguration: Architectures and Algorithms2004
R. ValenzuelaMagnetic Ceramics2005
R. WatsonM. ZinyoweraR. Moss (Eds).Technologies, Policies, and Measures for Mitigating Climate Change (IPCC Technical Paper I - November 1996)1996
R. WestA. F. HillAdvances in Organometallic Chemistry, Volume 431998
R. WeyhrauchNobuyuki Yoshigahara2004
R. WuthrichMicromachining Using Electrochemical Discharge Phenomenon: Fundamentals and Application of Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving (Micro and Nano Technologies)2009
R.A. CayllahuaConvento cCe Monjas de Muestra Señora de Ca Teña de Jrancía. Advocación de Santa Ciara: censos, rentas y dietas Lima, 1740-17942010
R.A. PiccininiLectures on homotopy theory1992
R.A. SharmaEnvironmental Biotechnology2007
R.A.ArtinoA. Gaglione and N.l ShellContest Problem Book IV: Annual High School Examinations1982
R.B. KearfottRigorous Global Search: Continuous Problems1996
R.D.CarmichaelIntroduction to the Theory of Groups of Finite Order2000
R.DennisConvair B-36 Peacemaker0
R.DescartesMeditacoes metafizicas0
R.E. HesterR. M. HarrisonNanotechnology: Consequences for Human Health & the Environment (Issues in Environmental Science and Technology)2007
R.E.J. RyderM.A. MirAn Aid to the MRCP PACES2013
R.EwaldProportional and Servo Valve Technology1989
R.GoebelA.MaderL.LadyAbelian Group Theory1983
R.GoebelE.WalkerAbelian Group Theory1981
R.H. AsensioPerú: el problema agrario en debate Sepia XIV2012
R.H.WalterPolysaccharide Association Structures in Food (Food Science and Technology)1998
R.HeinichM. MolendaInstructional Media and Technologies for Learning2001
R.J. ContradaR.D. AshmoreSelf, Social Identity, and Physical Health: Interdisciplinary Explorations (Rutgers Series on Self and Social Identity)1999
R.J. DAVERMANR.B. SHERHandbook of Geometric Topology2002
R.J. EdenD.I. OliveP.V. LandshoffThe Analytic S-Matrix1966
R.J. LinRNA-Protein Interaction Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)2008
R.J.P. WilliamsJ. S. RowlinsonAl.ChapmanChemistry at Oxford: A History from 1600 to 20052008
R.KaoD.SarigumbaBlackBerry For Dummies2007
R.l BottL. W. TuDifferential Forms in Algebraic Topology (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)1982
R.M. RamirezQuechua: problema y posibilidad2020
R.M. RojasPorvenir de la cultura quechua en Perú2010
R.N. AbersM. E. KeckPractical Authority2013
R.P. JeronimoC.A. GutierrezGobernanza del agua en zonas mineras del Perú: “Abriendo el diálogo”2016
R.P. SotoSujeto de la Antropología2003
R.R. Bruner (ed)J.R. May (ed)J.E. McClure (ed)Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 11761986
R.R. RuoioEl Sofisma del Desarrollo Sostenible2011
R.RampalDesign and Implementation of a Wide Area Network: Technological and Managerial Issues0
R.ReeveIntroduction to Environmental Analysis2002
R.S. BaezaCiencia-Mundo. Orden republicano, arte y nación en América2010
R.S. GADEAEconomía y política regional, hemisférica y mundial: cambios y tendencias en tiempos de crisis2015
R.S. SANTISTEBANEl factor asco. Basurización simbólica y discursos autoritarios en el Perú contemporáneo2009
R.S. VermaGenes and Genomes, Part A (Advances in Genome Biology)1998
R.SedgewickAlgorithms (Addison-Wesley Series in Computer Science)1983
R.Stephen BerryStuart A.RiceJoshua JortnerAdvances in Chemical Physics: A Special Volume of Advances in Chemical Physics2005
R.W.KADISONFundamentals of the theory of operator algebras. Special topics. Vol 4.1992
R.Y GamkrelidzeAnalysis II0
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Raafat El-Gewely M.Biotechnology Annual Review, Volume 12 (Biotechnology Annual Review)2006
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Rabbat G.Handbook of Advanced Semi-Conductor Technology and Computer Systems1988
Rabe K.Ahn C.Triscone J.Physics of Ferroelectrics: A Modern Perspective (Topics in Applied Physics)2007
Rabe K.Ahn C.Triscone J.The Physics Of Ferroelectrics. A Modern Perspective2007
Rabeler C.MCSA/MCSE/McDba Self-Paced Training Kit: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 System Administration: Exam 70-2282003
Rabeler C.MCSE Microsoft SQL Server 2000 System Administration: Training Kit : Exam 70-2282001
Rabeler C.Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Step by Step2003
Rabenau H.Cinatl J.Doerr H.Prions: A Challenge for Science, Medicine and Public Health System (Contributions to Microbiology, Vol. 7)2001
Rabenau H.F.Cinatl J.Doerr H.W.Prions: A Challenge for Science, Medicine and Public Health System2001
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Rabia H.Well Engineering and Construction2001
Rabiger M.Directing, Fourth Edition: Film Techniques and Aesthetics2007
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Rabin S.AI Game Programming Wisdom2002
Rabin S.AI Game Programming Wisdom 4 (AI Game Programming Wisdom (W/CD))2008
Rabin S.AI Game Programming Wisdom2002
Rabin S.AI Game Programming Wisdom (Game Development Series)2011
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Rabin T.Advances in Cryptology -- CRYPTO 2010: 30th Annual Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 15-19, 2010, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Security and Cryptology)2010
Rabin T.Advances in Cryptology -- CRYPTO 2010: 30th Annual Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 15-19, 2010, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Security and Cryptology)2010
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Rabinovich S.G.Evaluating measurement accuracy. A practical approach2010
Rabinow P.Making PCR: A Story of Biotechnology1996
Rabinowitz D.Testing for familial correlation in age-at-onset2002
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Rabunal J.R.Dorrado J.Artificial Neural Networks in Real-life Applications2005
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Rabushka A.Bernstam M.S.Fixing Russia's Banks: A Proposal For Growth1988
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Rachel A. BourneAgent Technology for Communication Infrastructures2001
Rachel Bryant DaviesBarbara GriblingPast and play2020
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Rachkovskii D.A.Slipchenko S.V.A binding Procedure for Distributed Binary Data Representations2005
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Racine N.J.Visual Communication: Understabdibg Maps, Charts, Diagrams and Schematics2002
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Radu C.Implementing Electronic Card Payment Systems (Artech House Computer Security Series)2003
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Radu Glogan-Dan Schwarz Rumanian mathematical societyRMC 2008-Rumanian mathematical competitions2008
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Radu ZaharopolInvariant Probalbilities of Markov-Feller Operators and Their Supports2005
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